EcoChemPro – EcoSafe cleaner degreaser

Certifications & Registrations

EcoChemPro XL Product Certifications & Registrations

EcoChemPro XL NSF and FDA Compliant

EcoChemPro XL – NSF Nonfood Compound A1, A4 & A8

The NSF mark assures consumers, retailers and regulators that certified products have been rigorously tested to comply with all standard requirements. EcoChemPro XL is certified by NSF in three categories: A1, A4 and A8. This means EcoChemPro XL is acceptable as a degreaser or carbon remover for food cooking or smoking equipment, utensils, or other associated surfaces (A8). It is also acceptable as a floor and wall cleaner (A4) and as a general cleaner in and around food processing areas where it is not intended for direct food contact (A1). A potable water rinse is required after cleaning with EcoChemPro XL.

Aviation Certified

EcoChemPro XL – Aircraft Certification

In 2023, EcoChemPro XL was analyzed for use in the aviation industry. AMS Specifications (Aerospace Material Specifications) testing was completed by SMI Inc. based in Miami, Florida. SMI specializes in material specification testing for the global aviation industry (see SMI Inc. ensures that products meet the expectations of organizations, including Boeing, McDonnell Aircraft Company, Pratt & Whitney, GE, Rolls Royce, Lockheed, and Airbus.

The specifications which EcoChemPro XL conforms are:

  • Boeing - BSS7432 & BSS7434
  • AMS - 1526C & 1550B
  • Douglas Aircraft Company - CSD No 1
  • Airbus - AIMS09-00-02

In completing the analysis, SMI assessed EcoChemPro XL as a cleaner degreaser for interior cleaning within an aircraft and exterior cleaning of the airframe.

Free of VOCs

EcoChemPro XL – Free from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

VOCs are harmful chemicals that evaporate into the air from everyday products like cleaning chemicals, paints and thinners. They react with other pollutants and sunlight to create smog, which harms respiratory health and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Indoor exposure to VOCs causes headaches, dizziness, and irritation. Many VOCs are carcinogens or contribute to hazardous air pollution. Reducing VOC emissions and minimizing exposure for our well-being and the planet’s health is vital.

Slip resistance

EcoChemPro XL – 30% Increase in Coefficient of Friction

The coefficient of friction (COF) is a numeric value that represents the friction between two objects. DCOF (Dynamic Coefficient of Friction) testing is used to specify the friction of an object that is already in motion. The results of DCOF testing determine the likelihood of whether a surface could contribute to someone slipping and falling. In May 2023, Advantage Forensics Inc. completed a number of tests with leading floor cleaning products, including EcoChemPro XL, using the BOT-3000E slip test machine. In each test and on each floor surface, EcoChemPro XL improved the coefficient of friction by a minimum of 30%. Advantage Forensics Inc. issued the following statement: “The EcoChemPro XL product improved the coefficient of friction of the various floor types in all cases. The EcoChemPro XL product resulted in a slip-resistant floor finish in all cases. The EcoChemPro XL product improved the coefficient of friction more than the other competitor’s products in all cases”.

EcoChemPro XL – Eco-Safe

EcoChemPro XL is eco-safe.

Human Safe, Planet Safe

This Green Cleans!

Partner with Us for Custom Cleaning Solutions

EcoChemPro products can replace almost all other cleaning chemicals used within your factory through effective dilution. For more information on our range of safe to use, environmentally friendly solutions, call us today at +1 (833) 427-7947 or email us at

EcoChemPro LLC
National Safety Council

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About Company
EcoChemPro LLC was founded in 2015. We believe green cleaning chemistry is the future, and it’s available right here, right now.
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